Wednesday, 22 October 2008

A New Dawn A New Day -- 22/10/08

Well, where does one start?

I'm a 22 year old female from London, trying to get ahead in the time goes on you will get to know more.

I guess I'm a bit late on the blogging scene...but better late than never!

Well I decided to ''jump on the wagon'' as a vent originally, you know got a lot on my mind so they say its best to write, and thanks to technology I can share that...(not so sure that’s a plus...) Anyway that’s the reason why I started.

So right now I'm sat in my couch, watching Hell Date and catching a little bit of jokes, waiting for the big one to come on!


......Anyway, that’s the story so far..


Sha Boogie said...

Its never to late to blog! Its so darn therapeutic...enjoy!